Seminar at CU Boulder
Jack recently gave a talk at CU Boulder for the Center of Integrated Plasma Studies. He gave an overview of the work carried out by the PUFFIN group at MIT. You can watch a recording here:
Title: Magnetized High-Energy-Density Plasma Experiments at MIT
Abstract: Most of the Universe is made from plasma, and much of that plasma is magnetized. Laboratory experiments can complement remote astrophysical observations by generating reproducible and tunable plasma which can be used to study fundamental processes such as magnetic reconnection of magnetized turbulence in detail. In this talk, I will discuss the research carried out by my new group at MIT to study these processes using pulsed-power driven plasmas, including magnetic reconnection and flux tube merging experiments on the MAGPIE generator at Imperial College London; radiatively cooled magnetic reconnection on the Z Machine at Sandia National Laboratories; and the new long-pulse PUFFIN generator at MIT.
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