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Rishabh Datta defends his PhD thesis

We offer our heartfelt congratulations to Dr Rishabh Datta, who successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Radiatively Cooled Magnetic Reconnection Experiments Driven by Pulsed Power” on Friday. His thesis committee consisted of Profs. Jack Hare, Nuno Loureiro, Irmgard Bischofberger, and Jacopo Buongiorno. Rishabh has carried out exceptional work looking at radiatively cooled reconnection using theory, simulations, and experiments at the Z pulsed power facility at Sandia National Laboratories, and was funded by fellowships from Mathworks and Exponent, and as an...
CONTINUE READING...Oblique shock experiments on COBRA

We’re back from two weeks of experiments on the COBRA pulsed-power generator at Cornell University. Graduate student Rishabh Datta wrote a proposal which was funded through ZNetUS to study oblique shocks in pulsed-power-driven plasma flows. These shocks form at specific angles with respect to the surface of an angled obstacle, and the shock angle is a function of Mach number and the adiabatic index of the plasma. Along with undergraduate student Emily Neill and graduate students Simran Chowdhry and Lansing...
CONTINUE READING...The PUFFIN group is moving to Cornell!

In January 2025, the PUFFIN group is moving from the Plasma Science and Fusion Center at MIT to the Laboratory for Plasma Studies at Cornell. Jack is joining the faculty at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and PUFFIN will be moving in just down the corridor from the existing COBRA facility at Cornell. We’re very grateful to all of our colleagues at MIT PSFC for their support and hard work on PUFFIN over the last four years. We...

We’ve had a flurry of papers out on our MARZ (Magnetic Reconnection on Z) experiments, led by first-author Rishabh Datta, which have drawn interest from a broader audience. Some quick highlights: Our simulation paper Simulations of radiatively cooled magnetic reconnection driven by pulsed power was published in the Journal of Plasma Physics, presenting a detailed analysis of 2D and 3D radiation-transport magneto-hydrodynamic simulations carried out to prepare for and interpret the results of our experiments. In particular, we highlighted the...
CONTINUE READING...The fourth MARZ shot is a success

Jack, Rishabh and Lansing travelled to Albuquerque NM to carry out the fourth Magnetic REconnection on Z (MARZ) shot. We fielded new diagnostics including laser imaging and streaked shadowgraphy, as well as redesigned visible spectroscopy and outflow inductive probes. The shot was very successful, and we look forward to sharing the results with you at a conference soon! Jack, Rishabh and Lansing took a well deserved break on Thursday to hike along the Sandia ridge, with great views down over...
CONTINUE READING...Talks at ECLIPSE and Princeton

In April, Jack first travelled to Rochester for the NSF ECLIPSE (Ecosystem for Collaborative Leadership and Inclusive Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering) meeting, which was carefully timed to take place during the solar eclipse! Unfortunately, the weather did not quite cooperate, but Jack presented on our three active NSF grants, on guide field reconnection, radiatively cooled reconnection, and magnetized turbulence. The next week, Jack gave the joint Princeton/Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Colloquium in Peyton Hall, focusing on our...
CONTINUE READING...PUFFIN construction continues apace

We’ve made huge progress over the past month with the construction of PUFFIN. All of the most complex parts, such as the transmission lines and capacitor modules are now in place, thanks to the hard work of the skilled technicians and machinists as the Plasma Science and Fusion Center at MIT. Our next steps to close all of the remaining holes in the system so we can pull vacuum and check for leaks. After that, we need to get our...
CONTINUE READING...Jack Hare receives NSF CAREER award

Jack has received the NSF CAREER award, the “National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education.” Jack will use the new PUFFIN facility to study magnetized turbulence by merging flux ropes using a pulsed-power driven cylindrical imploding carbon wire array, and will expand hands-on plasma physics training in the US by developing a new open-access plasma laboratory class with a virtual component. You...
CONTINUE READING...PUFFIN assembly has begun!

This week we started the assembly of PUFFIN in the West Cell of the PSFC. The assembled power junction, consisting of the inner and outer power junctions, with the insulating mechanical support for the inner junction and the tapering conical feed which the load attaches to. The power junction is flipped to provide access through the underneath to attach the inner transmission lines. The inner transmission lines attached to the power junction. The outer transmission lines attached to the power...

Our group had a great week presenting our work and learning from others at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Plasma Physics. Rishabh Datta presents his invited talk, Experimental results of radiative collapse in pulsed-power-driven magnetic reconnection Simran Chowdhry presents her poster, Simulations of the Radiative Collapse of Plasmoids in Extreme Astrophysical Environments Lansing Horan IV engages with his audience at his poster, Synthetic optical diagnostics for MAgnetic Reconnection on Z (MARZ) experiments Thomas Varnish presents...
CONTINUE READING...PUFFIN transmission lines welded

Machining and welding of all the PUFFIN parts continues at a fast pace - today the first of the outer transmission lines had its flanges and diagnostic ports welded on. PUFFIN has two vacuum insulated coaxial transmission lines which take the current pulse from the two LTD5 modules to the central power junction and then up to the vacuum chamber. Both the inner and outer conductors started off as steel pipes, which have now had flanges welded to both ends....
CONTINUE READING...Meet PUFFLING: our new UROP-built calibration pulser

UROP student Osahon Odiase has recently finished developing PUFFLING––a 30kV calibration pulser––with the help of the PUFFIN team. We did our first fire of PUFFLING on August 2nd, 2023, where we conducted some capacitor tests and calibrated custom-made B-dots and Rogowski coils. The team will continue to use the calibration pulser to test and calibrate diagnostics for PUFFIN. The PUFFLING pulser, mid-fire. Through the viewing window, you can see a spark from the spark gap as the machine fires. Inside...
CONTINUE READING...Z Fundamental Science (ZFS) Program Workshop 2023

Lansing visited Albuquerque, NM, for the Z Fundamental Science (ZFS) Program workshop from Wednesday, August 9th through Friday, August 11th. Rishabh gave the opening talk remotely for the plenary session program review on the MAgnetic Reconnection on Z (MARZ) collaboration. Lansing participated in the student poster session, presenting our research on shadowgraphy for the MARZ campaign. Simulating shadowgraphic images serves for scoping and preparation for a new shadowgraphy diagnostic—Laser Imaging ON Z (LIONZ), developed by Sandia staff scientist, David Yager-Elorriaga—that...
CONTINUE READING...The PENGUIN project has begun!

The Pulser for ENhancing Geothermal Utility and INnovation (PENGUIN) is a project recently started within the PUFFIN group. Its scope is to adapt an existing pulsed power supply for studying electrical reservoir stimulation. The pulser is mainly composed by a capacitor bank that can store up to 3 kJ at 100 kV and can be discharged quickly through saturated rock samples via spark-gap switches. Currently we are working on designing a “charge and dump” system which will allow us to...
CONTINUE READING...An update on the status of PUFFIN

Lots is happening here at the PSFC on the PUFFIN project—our vacuum chamber has been welded together, the main support structure is complete and some of the really large items have arrived. The inner conductor of the transmission line has been polished smooth and we’ve done a preliminary fit test on many items. We’re now at 85% completion for parts, so we anticipate assembling PUFFIN in early Fall. The PUFFIN vacuum chamber cooling down after a hot welding session. The...
CONTINUE READING...Dense Z-Pinch (DZP) Conference 2023

Thomas, Rishabh, and Jack attended the Dense Z-Pinch (DZP) Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan from July 9–13 this year. Jointly hosted by the University of Michigan and Sandia National Laboratories, this conference covers all aspects of theoretical and experimental z-pinch research. Thomas gave his first oral presentation at a conference, presenting on the experimental work conducted at the University of Michigan over the past few years. Using the MAIZE pulsed-power generator, he has been studying experimental methods of investigating guide...
CONTINUE READING...Magnetic Reconnection Workshop 2023

Rishabh attended the US-Japan Magnetic Reconnection Workshop held in Ise Shima, Japan between Jun 25–30, 2023. Rishabh gave a talk summarizing the latest simulation and experimental results on radiatively cooled reconnection from the MARZ campaign. The US-Japan Magnetic Reconnection workshop was held in Japan this year.
International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) 2023

Jack and Rishabh visited Santa Fe, NM for the International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)—May 21-25—where they presented simulation and experimental results from the MARZ campaign, demonstrating evidence for radiative collapse in pulsed-power-driven magnetic reconnection. Rishabh also gave a talk after being shortlisted for the Student Paper Award, and was awarded an Honorable Mention. Rishabh presented a poster on some simulations for the MARZ campaign. Jack presented a poster on some experimental results from the MARZ campaign.
CONTINUE READING...The first fabricated PUFFIN components have arrived!

With the final design of PUFFIN finished a month ago, we went out for quotes and now the parts are arriving! The first batch showed up two days ago, consisting of the inner (high voltage) conical feed which the load will sit on top of, the HDPE insulator stack which supports the power feed, as well as various bits of breadboard for optics round the vacuum chamber. Things are looking good for assembly this summer! The first few fabricated PUFFIN...
CONTINUE READING...The Laser Barrier is Complete

The PUFFIN facility sits inside the cavernous West Cell at the PSFC, a shared lab space with many users (most recently, the team building high temperature superconducting magnets!). Our diagnostic laser is a safety hazard to other users in the West Cell, and to ensure we can all operate our experiments and facilities at the same time, we built this large wall surrounding PUFFIN. The laser barrier encloses the PUFFIN facility.
Guide-Field Reconnection on MAIZE

We were back at the Univeristy of Michigan, Ann Arbor collaborating with the MAIZE team on some new guide-field reconnection experiments over the past two weeks. Thomas, Jack, Simran, and Lansing spent the fortnight running experiments with our new tilted array hardware. Instead of trying to apply a guide-field with an externally-powered Helmholtz coil–as we did last year–our new hardware embeds the vertical component of the field directly into the ablated flows. Thomas and the MAIZE team installing the load...
CONTINUE READING...The Diagnostic Laser Arrives!

We’re very excited to welcome our diagnostic laser from EKSPLA. This is a Nd:YAG with a 2 ns pulse, outputting ~100 mJ at 1064 nm, 532 nm and 355 nm. The multiple wavelengths will allow us to split the beams and delay them, or perform multi-colour measurements. We’ll use this laser for shadowgraphy, schlieren imaging, interferometry, Faraday Rotation Imaging, and the new Imaging Refractometer that we published on a couple of years ago. Thanks to the NSF and the NNSA...

Today we had the structural engineer for the project visit so we could do a fit and stress test for the PUFFIN structural supports. This was the first time we had lifted one of the 550 kg LTD5 capacitor modules upright and loaded the supports. The fit test went very well - there was no deflection and the module rolled easily on the supports. Now we have to finish up the design for the power feed and vacuum chamber section...
CONTINUE READING...APS Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) 2022
This year, Jack, Rishabh, and Thomas attended the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (APS-DPP). The conference was held in Spokane, WA from 17-21 October. Jack presented simulation results from the MARZ magnetic-reconnection experiment, whilst Rishabh presented preliminary experimental results from the same campaign, characterizing the plasma flows in the first MARZ shot. Thomas presented a poster on his recent experimental results from MAIZE, studying pulsed-power driven magnetic reconnection in an externally-generated guide field. Jack presented...
CONTINUE READING...Seminar at CU Boulder

Jack recently gave a talk at CU Boulder for the Center of Integrated Plasma Studies. He gave an overview of the work carried out by the PUFFIN group at MIT. You can watch a recording here: Title: Magnetized High-Energy-Density Plasma Experiments at MIT Abstract: Most of the Universe is made from plasma, and much of that plasma is magnetized. Laboratory experiments can complement remote astrophysical observations by generating reproducible and tunable plasma which can be used to study fundamental...
CONTINUE READING...PUFFIN structural supports

The support structure for PUFFIN is almost completed! Taking up a corner of the cavernous West Cell of the PSFC at 190 Albany St, this aluminium frame will hold the capacitor modules for PUFFIN and provide an elevated working platform. With space for six more modules, PUFFIN has room to grow! A view of the support structure from the loading dock. A fish-eye view of the support structure from up close, showing the stairs, crane and elevated platform.
CONTINUE READING...Z Fundamental Science Workshop

Jack attended the Z Fundamental Science Workshop in Albuquerque NM, presenting results from our successful first shot on Z for the MARZ collaboration. The ZFSW brings together researchers from around the world to discuss the latest results and ideas for new research on Z, the most powerful pulsed-power machine in the world. You can find out more about MARZ on our Research page.
The first PUFFIN components have arrived!

Very exciting times at the PSFC today as we took delivery of a huge crate full of pulsed-power goodies from our suppliers ITHPP-Alcen in France. This included two LTD5 stages, a charge and dump system, the premagnetisation generator and the switch trigger pulser. They’re now waiting for the lab to be refurbished and for the design of the central power feed to be finalised so that we can put PUFFIN together and start doing science! A crate of PUFFIN components...
CONTINUE READING...Magnetic Reconnection Workshop 2022

Thomas and Jack both presented at this year’s Magnetic Reconnection Workshop (MR2022), held in Monterey, CA, from 15–21 May. The MR2022 conference brought together a wide array of different research fields, all of which are focused on the study of magnetic reconnection. Many experimental plasma physicists, theorists, astrophysicists, and space weather scientists (from the MMS mission) were in attendance, contributing to a wonderful week of scientific discussion. Jack presented recent data and simulations from the MARZ experiment, whilst Thomas presented...
CONTINUE READING...High-Temperature Diagnostics Conference 2022

Rishabh attended the High-Temperature Diagnostics Conference, which was held in Rochester NY from May 15-19. The conference is dedicated to the development of instrumentation, experimental and analytical techniques, and machine learning for magnetic & inertial confinement fusion, high-energy-density plasmas, and laboratory astrophysics. Rishabh presented a new diagnostic technique which combines bow shock imaging with inductive probe measurements to measure the flow velocity and temperature in supersonic pulsed-power-driven plasmas.
Research Visit to the Z Machine at Sandia National Labs

Jack and Rishabh spent a week in Albuquerque, NM visiting the Z pulsed-power facility at Sandia National Labs. They collected data from the first of the 4 MARZ experimental shots, provided as part of the Z Fundamental Science Program. This was the first experimental implementation of a dual inverse wire array load on the Z machine. The load, driven by the Z machine’s powerful 20 MA current pulse, generated supersonic and super-Alfvenic magnetized plasma flows, which created a radiatively-cooled current...
CONTINUE READING...NSE Research Expo 2022

Each year, the Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) department at MIT hosts the NSE Research Expo; an internal, half-day event, where students from the department can present their work as a poster, or invited talk. This year’s theme was “Foundations and Fontiers”, and students were encouraged to demonstrate the societal impact of their research field. Thomas presented some initial results from his experiments on the MAIZE pulsed-power facility at the University of Michigan, and how these results along with PUFFIN...
CONTINUE READING...First Research Trip to MAIZE

It’s been an exciting two weeks! Jack and Thomas are back from the PUFFIN group’s first experimental trip to the MAIZE facility at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. They spent a fortnight working on pulsed-power experiments to study magnetic reconnection in a guide field. Using an externally-powered Helmholtz coil in conjunction with the MAIZE pulsed-power facility, they tested a scaled-down dual exploding wire array load, similar to experiments previously conducted on the MAGPIE pulsed-power facility at Imperial College London....
CONTINUE READING...APS Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) 2021

Jack and Rishabh both presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, held in Pittsburg, PA from 8-12 November. Jack presented simulation results of the MARZ magnetic-reconnection experiment, while Rishabh presented experimental and computational results on the structure of 3D collisional shocks in radiative-cooled plasmas.
Research trip to COBRA

Jack and Rishabh visited the COBRA pulsed-power facility at Cornell University in November 2021. Over two weeks, they characterized the plasma ablation and flows generated using planar wire arrays. The planar arrays were specifically designed to mimic the driving magnetic pressure and current per wire that the Z machine at Sandia National Labs would generate in cylindrical exploding wire arrays for the MARZ experimental campaign.
Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition 2021

MIT’s annual Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition gives graduate students, post-docs, and UROPs an opportunity to share their exciting mechanical engineering research projects with the wider MIT community. Rishabh presented a poster detailing laboratory experiments of high-energy-density shocks in magnetized supersonic plasmas, and won an Honorable Mention for his presentation.