APS Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) 2022
This year, Jack, Rishabh, and Thomas attended the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (APS-DPP). The conference was held in Spokane, WA from 17-21 October.
Jack presented simulation results from the MARZ magnetic-reconnection experiment, whilst Rishabh presented preliminary experimental results from the same campaign, characterizing the plasma flows in the first MARZ shot.
Thomas presented a poster on his recent experimental results from MAIZE, studying pulsed-power driven magnetic reconnection in an externally-generated guide field.

Jack presented simulation results for the MARZ magnetic-reconnection experiment.

Rishabh presented preliminary experimental results from MARZ, characterising the plasma flows produced by the experiments on Z.

This year, the APS-DPP 2022 conference was held in Spokane, WA.