An update on the status of PUFFIN
Lots is happening here at the PSFC on the PUFFIN project—our vacuum chamber has been welded together, the main support structure is complete and some of the really large items have arrived. The inner conductor of the transmission line has been polished smooth and we’ve done a preliminary fit test on many items. We’re now at 85% completion for parts, so we anticipate assembling PUFFIN in early Fall.

The PUFFIN vacuum chamber cooling down after a hot welding session.

The 3 m diameter, 10 cm thick disk in the foreground is the 'spine' of PUFFIN, carrying most of the weight and providing a stable surface for mountain optics.

The central PUFFIN support structure which holds up the large disk above.

A freshly polished inner conductor for the coaxial vacuum transmission line.

The PUFFIN vacuum chamber being hoisted back into the West Cell for a fit test.