Z Fundamental Science (ZFS) Program Workshop 2023
12 August 2023
Lansing visited Albuquerque, NM, for the Z Fundamental Science (ZFS) Program workshop from Wednesday, August 9th through Friday, August 11th. Rishabh gave the opening talk remotely for the plenary session program review on the MAgnetic Reconnection on Z (MARZ) collaboration. Lansing participated in the student poster session, presenting our research on shadowgraphy for the MARZ campaign. Simulating shadowgraphic images serves for scoping and preparation for a new shadowgraphy diagnostic—Laser Imaging ON Z (LIONZ), developed by Sandia staff scientist, David Yager-Elorriaga—that is planned for the 4th MARZ shot in early 2024.

Lansing presented a posted on simulating shadowgraphy for the MARZ collaboration.