Rishabh Datta defends his PhD thesis
We offer our heartfelt congratulations to Dr Rishabh Datta, who successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Radiatively Cooled Magnetic Reconnection Experiments Driven by Pulsed Power” on Friday. His thesis committee consisted of Profs. Jack Hare, Nuno Loureiro, Irmgard Bischofberger, and Jacopo Buongiorno. Rishabh has carried out exceptional work looking at radiatively cooled reconnection using theory, simulations, and experiments at the Z pulsed power facility at Sandia National Laboratories, and was funded by fellowships from Mathworks and Exponent, and as an RA by the NSF. He will begin a postdoctoral position with the MIT PSFC Disruptions group in September.

Left to right: Prof. Jack Hare, Prof. Irmgard Bischofberger, Dr(!) Rishabh Datta, Prof. Nuno Loureiro, and Prof. Jacopo Buongiorno.